Day 1 Vocabulary
- Fete (noun) : A celebration or festival.
Example: They are holding the village fete on the lake.
Synonyms: Festival, Fiesta, jubilee, carnival, funfair,pageant, gala.
- Dissonance(noun): Lack of agreement or harmony between people or things.
Example: Andrew and his father have had dissonance between them ever since Andrew accidentally crashed his father's new car.
Synonyms: disparity, disagreement, tension, difference, variance.
Antonyms: harmony, similarity, respect, friendliness.
- Incongruity: the state of being incompatible ( when things don't go together, and worse, look obviously out of place).
Example: After several years of trying to get along, Jaya and Ritesh finally admitted that their incongruity is something that will never allow them to be true friends with one another.
Synonyms: Discordance, dissonance, difference.
Antonyms: Compatible, same, similar.
- Proviso: An article that introduces a condition.
Example: Be sure to read all the documentation; there might be a proviso hiding in there to get you.
Synonyms: Provision, contingency, stipulation.
- Physiology: The way in which a living organism or body parts function.
Example: Start learning about your Physiology.
Synonyms: Body Functions.
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