Day 1 of online word meaning for different Government Exams
1. Abdicate: To give up a possession, claim or right
Syn:- abandon, abjure, abnegate
Ant:- retain, remain, claim Sentence:
Example: The people of the state do not wish to abdicate their sovereignty to the agencies which serve them.
2. Aberrant: abnormal or deviant
Syn: abnormal, atypical, bizarre, deviant
Ant: normal
Sentence: Given the aberrant nature of data, we came to doubt the validity of the entire experiment.
3. Abeyance: suspended action
Syn: discontinuation, dormancy, inactivity, intermission,
latency, suspension, adjournment, postponement.
Ant: action, activity, continuance, continuation
Sentence: Ideological disputes among his coalition members should have been kept firmly in abeyance.
4. Ablution: washing
Syn: cleansing, decontamination, purification
Ant: dirty, corrupt, pollute
Sentence: Ablution is cleansing with water as a religious ritual.
5. Abnegation: Self-sacrifice
Syn: renunciation, denial, abstinence
Ant: Acquiescence, yielding, allowance
Sentence: His abnegation of the privileges of his power
is one of his merits.
6. Abolish: cancel; put an end to
Syn: abrogate, annihilate, destroy, dissolve, end,
eradicate, expunge
Ant: continue, establish, promote, ratify, support
Sentence: He is determined to abolish the right of some defendants to opt for a trial by jury
7. Abominate: loathe; hate
Syn: abhor, despise, dislike, hate, loathe
Ant: love, adore, cherish, like
Sentence: A politician who is revered by his supporters
and abominated by his enemies.
8. Aboriginal: being the first of its kind in a region.
Syn: ancient, earliest, indigenous, native, original, primary, primitive
Ant: foreigner, alien, stranger
Sentence: The islands may have had left no trace of the existence of their aboriginal inhabitants.
9. Abridge: condense or shorten
Syn: abbreviate, condense, contract, curtail, diminish, downsize, precise Ant: add, enlarge, expand, extend, increase, lengthen Sentence: The president can abridge the punishment of any culprit.
10. Abscission: cutting off; separation
Syn: cutting, extirpation, removal
Ant: merge, assemble, collaborate
Sentence: A number of methods are used to delay petal abscission artificially, including the use of chemicals.
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