Part 2 of Online Word Meaning
- Please Check Part 1 of Easy English Online Word Meaning
1. Abstain: refrain; withhold from participation
Syn: avoid, constrain, curb, decline, refrain,
Ant: indulge, use
Sentence: Unless some opposition members abstain, the budget may thus not get through
2. Abysmal: bottomless, extremely bad, appaling
Syn: bottomless, deep, endless, infinite, fickle, changeable.
Ant: finite, shallow, slight
Sentence: They are riddled by injury and playing for pride and reputation after an abysmal start to the season.
3. Acclimate: adjust to climate or environment; adapt
Syn: accommodate, accustom, habituate
Ant: ignore, neglect, indulge
Sentence: The optional pre-stay allows guests to rest, acclimate, and explore independently before their journey begins.
4. Accolade: award of merit, recognition of achievement.
Syn: approval, award, distinction, honour
Ant: insignificance, lowliness, criticism
Sentence: There is no such accolade that he has received.
5. Accomplice: partner in crime.
Syn: assistant, associate, co-conspirator, collaborator
Ant: enemy, an opponent
Sentence: She steals his mobile phone and her accomplice comes in to smack her in the face.
6. Accretion: growth; increase .
Syn: accumulation, augmentation, increase, increment
Ant: decrease, deduction, shrinkage
Sentence: The gradual accretion of knowledge is the way to go.
7. Acidulous: slightly sour; sharp
Syn: sharp, tart, caustic, hurtful.
Ant: sugary, sweet
Sentence: It is difficult to disguise the acidulous flavor of cranberries.
8. Acquittal: a judgement or verdict that a person is not guilty of the crime with which they have been charged.
Syn: amnesty, clearance, discharge, exoneration.
Ant: blame, censure, conviction
Sentence: The defendant was ecstatic after he heard of his acquittal.
9. Adage: wise saying; proverb
Syn: aphorism, apothegm, axiom, maxim
Ant: absurdity, ambiguity, foolishness, nonsense, paradox
Sentence: They are turning upside down the adage that coaches coach and players play.
10. Adamant: hard; inflexible
Syn: determined, fixed, immovable, inexorable, inflexible
Ant: flexible, pliant, submissive, yielding, changeable
Sentence: All three of them are adamant about making the people around them and in this company better
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