Easy English Words a Daily Guide for Beginners.

Easy English Words

I will be posting Easy English Words for those aspirants who are not much polished in their English. This guide will surely help you to learn daily new Easy English Words and will boost your English word Vocabulary for Competitive exams.

Ameliorate: Make something bad or unsatisfactory better
Example: The recent reforms did much to ameliorate the living standards of the poor.
Synonym: Improve

Assault: Make a physical attack on.
They were imprisoned for the assault on the film director.
Synonym: Hit, Strike, Attack

Authenticity: The quality of being authentic.
Example: The Newspaper should have established the authenticity of the documents before publishing them.
Synonyms: Genuineness, Originality.

Beneficiary: A person who derives advantage from something, especially a trust, will, or life insurance policy
Example: She was the sole beneficiary of her father’s will.
Synonym: Heir, Heiress, Inheritor, Legatee.

A thing that discourages or is intended to discourage someone from doing something.
Example:CCTV cameras are a major deterrent to crime.
Synonym:Disincentive, Discouragement, Dissuasion

tags: English grammar book, basic English grammar for beginners, study English online, free English classes, lesson plan in
english, spoken English tutorial, online word meaning

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