First in world A complete List for Competitive Exams

First in the World: A Complete List

First, in world here i am giving a complete list of ‘First in the World’ which is composed of all those human explorations and adventures, expeditions which were made the first time in the history of mankind.
  1. The first secretary-general of United Nations-Trygve Lie(Norway)
  2. first woman president of UN General Assembly- Vijayalakshmi Pandit(1953)
  3. First president of United State of America- George Washington
  4. first president of Republic of China- Sun yat Sen
  5. first prime minister of Great Britain- Robert walpole
  6. first Governor General of Pakistan- Muhammad Ali Jinnah
  7. first woman president of a country- Maria Estela Peron( Argentina)
  8. first woman Prime Minister of a country- S Bandaranaike( Sri Lanka)
  9. first woman Prime Minister of any Muslim country- Benazir Bhutto( Pakistan)
  10. first ethnic Indian prime minister of India- Mahendra Choudhary
  11. first American President to visit India -D.D Eisenhower
  12. first Russian Prime Minister to visit India-Nikolai Bulganin
  13. first European inventor of Indian soil- Alexander,the Great
  14. European to visit China- Marco Polo
  15. first man to go into space- Yuri Gagarin(USSR)
  16. first man to walk in space- Alexei Leonov(Russia)
  17. first woman cosmonaut in space- Valentina Tereshkova(USSR)
  18. first woman space tourist-A. Ansari( Irani American)
  19. first space tourist- Dennis Tito(USA)
  20. first man to set foot on the Moon- Neil Armstrong(USA)
  21. first man to fly an aeroplane- Wright Brothers
  22. first man to reach north pole- Robert Peary
  23. first woman to reach the north pole-Fran Phipps
  24. first man to reach South Pole- Roald amundsen
  25. first man to climb Mount Everest-S.T. Norgay E. Hillary(1953)
  26. first man to climb Mount Everest twice-N.Gombu
  27. first woman to climb Mount Everest- Junko tabei( Japan)
  28. first blind man to scale Mount Everest-E. Weihenmayer
  29. first woman to reach Antarctica- Caroline Mikkelson
  30. first deaf and dumb to cross the strait of Gibraltar- Taranath Shenoy
  31. first woman in the world to cross the strait of Gibraltar- Aarti Pradhan
  32. first man to draw the map of Earth-Anexemander
  33. first Asian to head the International Cricket Council- Jagmohan Dalmiya
  34. first man to hit one day international match- Sachin Tendulkar
  35. first country to make a constitution- United States of America
  36. first country to appoint Lokpal- Sweden
  37. first country to implement family planning- India(1952)
  38. first country to issue plastic currency- Australia
  39. first country to issue paper currency- China
  40. first country to print books- China
  41. first country to start civil service competition- China
  42. first country to ban capital punishment- New Zealand
  43. first country to impose carbon tax- New Zealand
  44. first university of the world- Taxila University
  45. first cloned human baby-Eve
  46. first country to host the modern Olympic games- Greece
  47. first radio telescope satellite launched into space- Japan
  48. first country to launch satellite into space- Russia
  49. first spaceship landed on Mars- Viking I
  50. first country to sign a nuclear agreement with India- France
  51. first country to make education compulsory- Prussia
  52. first country to give constitutional status to animal rights- Switzerland

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